Here at Little Ted’s Child Care Centre Oxley, we strive to provide a safe and secure setting for all children with the warmth and feel of a ‘home away from home’. Our vision of the children and families at Little Ted’s is that of an extended family, and we advocate for a holistic approach to child development that encourages children to embrace individuality,
All experiences, planned and spontaneous, are related to the centre’s philosophy, early years learning framework, and educators’ knowledge and understanding of your child.
We acknowledge the children’s rights to be active in deciding how to ‘be’ in their present lives and that children are capable learners from birth. We allow children unhurried time to ‘be’ and to enjoy being in their world. We strive to acknowledge differences and diversity; we plan with children and respond to each child’s competencies and uniqueness.

“You can learn more about a child in one hour of play than you can in one year of conversation.” -Plato –
Gum Nut
15 months- 2.5 years
Here at Little Ted’s Child Care Centre Oxley, we strive to provide a safe and secure setting for all children with the warmth and feel of a ‘home away from home’. Our vision of the children and families
at Little Ted’s is that of an extended family, and we advocate for a holistic approach to child development. Educators develop a holistic understanding of each child’s unique learning preferences through partnerships with parents. Educators then utilise their knowledge of theories such as Vygotsky, Dewy, Gardner, and Reggio Emilia to guide the planning of the environment and implement programs that support each child’s learning journey.
2.5-3.5 years
Each classroom’s Program is based on the interests of the children, our centre philosophy and our goals. Educators encourage children to actively participate in their learning through discussion and planning. Educators develop their knowledge of the children to create safe learning environments that support each child’s unique learning journey. They then document this learning through a digital learning journal that parents can access online or through the app.
Bottle Brush
3.5 to 6 yearsLittle Ted’s has a 22-place Kindergarten as part of the child care centre. Qualified early childhood teachers deliver our Kindergarten program from 8.00 am until 4:00 pm daily, 40 weeks per year. At Kindergarten, your child will grow socially and emotionally. Their ability to think, use and recognise language and fine motor skills will be developed through play, art, dance, music, movement and interaction. The Queensland kindergarten learning guideline (QKLG) The Queensland kindergarten learning guideline (QKLG) advises planning, interacting with children, monitoring and assessing, and sharing information in kindergarten contexts. The Continua of Learning and Development resource helps teachers assess, reflect and make evidence-based judgments about children’s learning progress. This information is used to plan ways to promote continuity of learning and development.

All programming is documented in your child’s individual electronic journal, which you are able to access using an app called “Xplor Home”.